Christopher Flynn DipFA CeFAP CeRER

Director and Wealth Planner

01782 840590

I have worked in the financial services industry since 2009. My previous roles include working as a mortgage adviser and financial consultant at Lloyds bank. I decided to join forces with my wife Frances and set Giliker Flynn Independent Wealth up in January 2015.

I have a real passion for the business and love my job meeting new and existing clients. It gives me great satisfaction knowing I can make a real difference in people’s financial future.

Outside of running the business, I spend most of my time with my little girls, Norah and Heidi, who are my world. I try my best to get into the gym 5 – 6  times per week and listen to podcasts and read books whenever I can. My hobbies include golf and football, and I’ve also got a weird obsession with cutting my lawn.

Finally, I always try and find time for a few holidays each year as I feel it is really important to spend quality time with my family.